RIO Daily feed for budgies

The composition of RIO Daily feed for budgies is carefully selected and balanced in a way to protect bird's health and well-being.
RIO represents a special feeding approach, designed to give budgies access to conditions that they have in their natural environment and to provide budgies with a diet rich and diverse in seeds and grains. 
Feeds are created based on the best from nature applying many years of experience and collaborations with breeders from all over the world.

Every pack of nutrient-dense RIO Daily feed for budgies contains:
  • 12 ingredients in a balanced and varied composition to provide birds with a rich and diverse diet.
  • 12% of protein and 6% of healthy fats will meet all the nutritional needs of these birds.
  • 4% of black millet in the composition will provide additional energy and vitality.
  • 2% of Niger seeds which are an excellent source of proteins and fats to provide the birds with extra life forces to be as vibrant as they should be.
  • Linseeds as a source of Omega 3 & 6 for healthy skin and bright and shiny feathers.
  • Algae will help to protect the immune system.
  • Calcium in the form of granules and in the most absorbable form for the strong beak and bones.
  • 100% natural ingredients from trusted suppliers.
The composition of RIO Daily feed for budgies is carefully selected and balanced in a way to protect bird's health and well-being.
RIO represents a special feeding approach, designed to give budgies access to conditions that they have in their natural environment and to provide budgies with a diet rich and diverse in seeds and grains. 
Feeds are created based on the best from nature applying many years of experience and collaborations with breeders from all over the world.

Every pack of nutrient-dense RIO Daily feed for budgies contains:
  • 12 ingredients in a balanced and varied composition to provide birds with a rich and diverse diet.
  • 12% of protein and 6% of healthy fats will meet all the nutritional needs of these birds.
  • 4% of black millet in the composition will provide additional energy and vitality.
  • 2% of Niger seeds which are an excellent source of proteins and fats to provide the birds with extra life forces to be as vibrant as they should be.
  • Linseeds as a source of Omega 3 & 6 for healthy skin and bright and shiny feathers.
  • Algae will help to protect the immune system.
  • Calcium in the form of granules and in the most absorbable form for the strong beak and bones.
  • 100% natural ingredients from trusted suppliers.
  • yellow millet
  • red millet
  • canary seed
  • peeled oat
  • black millet
  • linseed
  • oat
  • Niger seed
  • healthy seeds
  • algae
  • calcium gluconate
  • protein — 12,2%
  • fats — 6%
  • fibre — 10,2%
  • ash —  3,2%
  • The daily norm of RIO feed for budgie is 7-12 g.
  • Make sure that the bird has enough feed and fresh water.
  • Please Note: During moulting period a bird need the specially diet (use RIO feed for budgies. Moulting Period).
  • Store in a dry cool place.
  • Please Note: Apart from the main feed birds need a balance of sand and minerals constantly (use RIO grit/mineral mixture for all kinds of birds).


RIO alimento completo per pappagallini ondulati

RIO mangime per pappagallini ondulati è una miscela equilibrata di semi e cereali attentamente selezionati: i più corretti ed i più graditi dai pappagallini ondulati. Grazie alla miscela degli ingredienti viene soddisfatto il fabbisogno nutrizionale degli uccellini.


RIO comida para periquitos. Ración diaria

RIO comida para periquitos. Ración diaria es una mezcla especialmente seleccionada de granos y semillas saludables que gusta mucho a los periquitos. La amplia variedad de ingredientes garantiza que los pájaros obtienen todas las sustancias nutricionales necesarias.


RIO comida para periquitos. Ração diária

RIO comida para periquitos. Ração diária é uma mistura de grãos e sementes saudáveis especialmente selecionados, muito apreciados pelos periquitos. A ampla variedade de ingredientes garante que os pássaros obtêm todas as substâncias nutritivas necessárias.


RIO τροφή για παπαγαλάκια. Καθημερινή τροφή

Τροφή RIO για παπαγαλάκια. Η τροφή είναι μείγμα ειδικά επιλεγμένων δημητριακών και σπόρων που αγαπούν τα παπαγαλάκια. Η μεγάλη ποικιλία συστατικών εξασφαλίζει ότι τα πουλιά θα λαμβάνουν όλα τα απαραίτητα θρεπτικά συστατικά.


RIO l’aliment pour les perruches ondulées. La ration alimentaire principale

RIO l’aliment pour les perruches ondulées. La ration alimentaire principale - le mélange soigneusement équilibré de céréales, composé de blés et de grains sélectionnés les plus sains et appréciés par les perruches. La diversité des ingrédients assure à l'oiseau tous les éléments nutritifs nécessaires.


RIO Dagelijks voer voor parkieten

RIO Dagelijks voer voor parkieten is een mengsel van speciaal geselecteerde granen en zaden geliefd door grasparkieten. De grote variatie van ingrediënten zorgt ervoor dat vogels alle benodigde voedingsstoffen binnenkrijgen.


RIO foder til undulater

RIO mad til undulater. Daglig ration er en specielt udvalgt blanding af sunde kerner og frø, som undulater elsker. Det brede udvalg af ingredienser sikrer, at fuglene får alle de nødvendige næringsstoffer.


RIO sööt viirpapagoidele. Põhisööt

RIO sööt viirpapagoidele. Põhisööt hoolikalt tasakaalustatud teraviljasegu, mille koosseisu on valitud viirpapagoide lemmikud terad ja seemned. Nende mitmekesisus kindlustab lindudele vajalikke toiduainete olemasolu.


RIO banguotojų papūgėlių lesalas. Pagrindinis racionas

RIO banguotojų papūgėlių lesalas. Pagrindinis racionas - kruopščiai subalansuotas grūdų mišinys, iš kurių atrinkti naudingesni ir mėgstamiausias papūgų rūšių grūdai ir sėklos. Jų įvairovė aprūpins paukštį visomis reikiamomis maistingosiomis medžiagomis.


RIO pamatbarība maziem papagaiļiem

RIO pamatbarība maziem papagaiļiem ir rūpīgi sabalansēts graudu maisījums, to daudzveidīgums nodrošinās putnu ar visām nepieciešamām barības vielām.


RIO krmivo pre andulky. Základní strava

RIO krmivo pre andulky. Základní strava - je pečlivě vyvážená obilná směs pro andulky obsahující užitečná a nejoblíbenější zrna a semena. Jejich různorodost zabezpečí pro ptáka všechny potřebné výživné látky.


RIO Hrana zilnică pentru peruși

Hrana zilnică RIO pentru peruși este un amestec de grăunțe și semințe special selectate, foarte îndrăgite de peruși. Marea varietate de ingrediente le asigură păsărilor toate substanțele nutritive necesare.


RIO pokarm dla papużek falistych. Podstawową dietą

RIO pokarm dla papużek falistych. Podstawową dietą - pełnowartościowa paszowa mieszanka ziaren, zawiera specjalnie dobrane ziarna i nasiona lubiane przez papużki faliste. Ten smaczny i urozmaicony pokarm dostarcza wszystkich niezbędnych składników żywnościowych.


RIO корм для хвилястих папужок. Основний раціон

RIO корм для хвилястих папужок. Основний раціон ретельно збалансована зернова суміш, до складу якої відібрані самі корисні та улюблені папужками зерна і насіння. Їх різноманітність забезпечить птаха усіма необхідними поживними речовинами.


RIO толқынды тотылар арналған жемi. Негiзгi азық мөлшері

Толқынды тотылар арналған RIO жемi. Негiзгi азық мөлшері - мұқият үйлестірілген дән қоспасы, оның құрамына ең пайдалы және толқынды тотылар ұнамды дәндер қосылған. Әр түрлі дәнді қоспалар құсты барлық қажеттi нәрлi заттармен қамтамасыз етедi.